Let It Snow

Snow day tomorrow!!


And no, there aren't feet of snow. There will probably be about an inch.

What can I say? We southerners gotta take what we can get!

Also, Diana from exPress-o posted this fantastical moon necklace that [if I were rich and had stacks of money to kill] I must have.

Have I ever mentioned that I have a bizarre moon obsession? Like to the point where I plan on naming a kid Luna or something. It's bad...and weird. I know.

In fact, I'm designing a logo for my knitted stuff that I'm selling, and I fully plan on a moon of some kind. I'm still thinking on it though.

Now on to the real purpose of this post: my ski bands. 

I'm making up a bunch of them so that I can sell them, but here are a couple that I made for Christmas presents.

Also, I got a haircut recently! It's honestly not that different, but I'll never get it to look the way that it did when the stylist did it. I had to take a picture of it while it lasted. This is what it looks like now.:

Exactly. Don't I just look like a ball of sunshine?
Well, that's all for tonight. Be prepared for snow pictures tomorrow.

May the force be with y'all.