Excuse the title. Being couch-ridden, I’ve been watching Degrassi all day long. And I must say, having that many attractive males at one school isn’t natural! It kind of makes me want to move to Canada. Only…not really.real-world
So yeah. Back to my dilemma. I was laying here like an innocent sicky watching Real World. I  was just sitting here watching one of the overly testosterone’d guys tie his latest skank ho’s bra onto his wall when I realized….Oh my god. I have the same bra.
Is this a sign?!

I didn’t even know that they made that bra in non-training bra sizes!

One of my guy friends informed me that this means I’m well on my way to being a skank ho, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on his part. So I decided to ask a female. One of my girl friends assures me that it means nothing. Actually…no…she didn’t. She just said, “Oh, aren’t you bigger than that?” When I told her thanks, and that yes, I am a bigger person than that.
Her response? “Oh. Haha. I was talking about your bra size. You’re bigger than a training bra, right?”

[The pain of her not taking my side was only worsened by the fact that no, I am not all that much bigger than a training bra. Sigh.]

Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Not what I wanted to hear!

Humph. :(

[Disclaimer: All complaints in this entry are purely because I am extremely bored and find myself humorous. I do not actually think that having the same taste in bras as a promiscuous woman….female…thing makes me a skank ho. And yes. That is a purely scientific term.]

Enough about my boobs, or lack-there-of. Wisdom teeth update!

Day three:

  • Woke up at the break of noon
  • Felt like crap, so I went back to bed…..err…couch.
  • My sister, feeling too big for her britches, decided she was too good for the the living room, and moved back to her room.
  • She promptly fell ill. [Laziness always wins out in the end.]
  • Laid here here watching Degrassi and wishing that this small town had cute guys like that.
  • Gave up on not eating solid foods and started sucking on Cheezits [the breakfast/lunch/dinner of champions]
  • Kept a heating pad on my face all day long. That’s dedication.
  • Asked my mom if my swelling had gone down and she said yes and then moved all reflective surfaces out of reach.
  • My best friend got home from camp. She texted saying that she’ll finally come and visit me and that she’s sure I’m the “cutest little chipmonk in the tree”.
  • Wondered how I chose my friends
  • Talked to an old friend into the wee hours of the morning about how sad he is that my “hot/pretty/beautiful/sexy” good friend is in a partnership that tortures each other and everyone around them with their arguments relationship and will not date him. More on her on a later date.


Gotta go. A throbbing pain in my jaw and mild pain killers are calling my name.