Born This Way - Lady Gaga

Today was...less than flattering for me. I just have irritated verbal diarrhea today, and I haven't been able to catch myself and make it stop.

For example, when my stat class was handing out packets at a junior assembly, this girl who I may or may not have ranted about previously on here would not stop yelling at all of this and bossing us around. I also may or may not have turned around [after asking her nicely to stop multiple times, for the record!] and told her to stop acting like a crazy bitch.

Then her boyfriend started it up too, telling me that I need to learn how to think, which lead to me telling him that before he made quick judgments about my thinking abilities, he should compare our educational history. And after he was well-informed on the information, he should come back and let me know which one of us needs to work on thinking.

Wait? Am I a bitch?

Sigh. One of those days.

Anyway, into a happy place.....AKA decorating!

Today's Top 2 Tuesday has to do with dream rooms which is right up my alley.
[What? Normal 18-year-olds don't plan out their future houses in their heads on a daily basis. Scandalous lies! They so do! I'm not weird, I swear!]

1. My bedroom. It has to have rustic materials with contemporary lines. I love it when there are a couple ornate things on top of things that are rustic and simplistic in nature. Also, if you notice, there is a pattern with the beds as well. They are girly, cushy, and have lots of pillows, but they also have all white linens. That way they aren't overwhelming. I love all three of those rooms! So so so much.

2. Library and craft room. It's a must. I have more books and more craft supplies than most human beings. It's a compulsion. I just have to have them. When I get older, I need a room specifically for these things. I may put a desk in there for work type deals, but mainly? Solid bookshelves on all the walls and a comfy couch or chair in the middle of the room. That's all that matters. There'd also need to be a significant amount of natural light in there as well. I hate artificial light.

Is it normal that I am that picky? Hmmm....Probably not.