Defying Gravity - Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenowich

When I tell you what my choices for Top 2 Tuesday are, you're all going to think I'm a dork, but seriously. They are fantastic. [Also I'm going to cheat. But shhhhh. Don't tell anyone.]

This week's is Top 2 Songs on your iPod.

This one was kind of difficult for me. I listen to so much different stuff that I almost never have a specific favorite. I love singer-songwriters like Holly Brook, Jason Reeves, or John Mayer, but I have been going through a hip-hop phase like no other recently. [I am a dancing fool after all.] And I haven't even mentioned all of the classic rock and country on there. Oh, and classical too. Oooooh, Disney. Can't leave those out.

But oddly enough, the ones that I have chosen are all from broadway musicals. They just make me happy whenever I listen to them.

  1. Defying Gravity from Wicked I know. It's such a mainstream choice, but I love it so much. No matter how many times I listen to it, it never gets old. It's the ultimate uplifting, defiant song.
  2. For Good also from Wicked I really want this to be our "senior song" for graduation. When I listen to it, it just makes me sad and happy all at the same time. It won't have the same meaning for me later on as it does now, but now, it's perfect. It's about how your friends have been a major part of developing who you are, and even though you're separating, the impact is still there.
  3. Take Me or Leave Me from RENT Now for a non-sappy one. This one just makes me feel spunky when I listen to it. I've always had the tendency to conform to whomever I'm dating's idea of the perfect girl, or tried to at least. Most of the time, I don't even realize that I'm doing it. As I get older, though, I'm kind of getting feisty again. This definitely captures that feeling. [Weird story, bro. This song definitely has Idina Menzel in it too. Just realized that.] But yeah, it's sung by a lesbian couple who are fighting because they want the other one to change, but both say, basically, take me the way I am or leave me. 

May the force be with y'all.