[Holly Brook is amazing. Hers is one of those albums in which I loved every single song.]

Something you might not know about me is that I draw, and occasionally I do a lot of photography. 

More specifically, I draw portraits...rather often. I love doing them so much.  Last year, I even did a book of portraits of my friends as a project for my class. I based it on the song Curious by Holly Brook. 

Check SS's blog out here.

Caroline and another girl

Those are three of the ten that I did. I did all of them in charcoal and pencil, and I loved doing them. Even though I'm not necessarily friends with all of them anymore, I looovvved doing the project, and my portrait skills improved so much.

This semester, I'm in art again. Right now, I'm having to start our painting unit, and we're doing a gridded self portrait with a focus on a specific color. Obviously I chose green. It's a work in progress.

Wish me luck!


Serious progress is being made, you guys. You may not be able to tell, but that's a few hours of hard, painty labor right there! :)