Can’t Fight the Moonlight – LeeAnn Rimes

Friday was my last first football game! :)

Alright. Now that that’s over with, I’ll talk about my crafts.

I finished my sister’s Gryffindor scarf. Think it took me long enough? Goodness. I kept procrastinating on that one.


I’m now moving onto a hoodie sweater thing.

sweater pic

I’m super excited about it. We bought this super lush yarn and it is uber soft. And forest green. I love love love that color. It makes my eyes look really green.

sweater progress

Okay, sorry. I know I’m getting boring. But one more crafty bragging moment! This summer I 100_1879made my own dress, and I felt so domestic. Haha. My friend who helped just emailed me the picture that we took right afterwards.

Ignore the awkward angle and smile on my face. I think that it turned out really well for my first dress.

The top part was actually a shirt that I was going to give away because it was too loose and short on me. But instead, my friend convinced me to put some darts in the back and add a waist and a skirt on it.  

The fullness of the skirt makes it feel like a dress from the fifties, and you can’t go wrong with that!

I realize that I sound like a boring old lady or a craft blog.

Oh well. :)

May the force be with y’all.
